Glenfiddich, Glenlivet, etc.: names of different whiskies ("Glen-" is a popular prefix for many Scotch whiskies)
a glen: a valley (especially in Scotland or Ireland)
- "Glenfiddich : This is Glenfiddich MacGregor from Glasgow."
- "Glenfiddich : I have some news for you."
- "Glenfiddich : I see."
- "Glenfiddich : Mr. Jones, Congratulations on your debut."
- "Glenfiddich : I do!"
- "Glenfiddich : Well your perfume has made me turn blue, and my lawyer has advised me to sue!"
- "Glenfiddich : Are you calling my story untrue?"
- "Glenfiddich : What do you expect me to do?"
- "Glenfiddich : Yes, I drank the brew and it made me turn blue, from my head to my shoe!"
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