
giant: very big, massive, vast, enormous adjective
a giant: a monster, an ogre, a titan noun
  • "Shoshana : Bourishnakov the giant salamander makes the eternal snows of Kalackistan."
  • "Just one question, Bruno: why have you turned into a giant duck?"
  • "Though it's gone a bit too far with the giant tortoises."
  • "Giant corporation makes bid to buy weird little juice business"
  • "He's in the Galapagos islands, tracking the oldest living giant tortoise."
  • "Jean : Well, you have tsunamis, tornados, sea monsters, aquamen, giant calamari, zucchinis..."
  • "Also, giant lizards make our beds, and robots are excellent jazz musicians."
  • "From giant purple egg was born mother country of Kalackistan, then other minor countries like USA, and Belarus and Zimbabwe."
  • "Youri say that Kalack country was created when giant salamander Bourishnakov make kisses and sexy time with Yabadev the Cruel."
  • "Now, you have made this giant, ugly corporation!"

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