
to get home, to come home: to go to one's house idiom
  • "Horatio : This is Giuseppe, he is my Chief of Staff, Minister of Education, and Head of our Nuclear Program. When I get home, Giuseppe prepares me a mojito and rolls me a big cigar."
  • "He's keen to get home."
  • "When he gets home, I'm gonna give him such a spanking."
  • "And when the au pair comes home, I'm gonna give her a spanking too!"
  • "By the time I get home, I only have enough energy for a glass of Pinot Grigio, an episode of "Sex And The City" and then I'm off to bed."
  • "Kevin : Jean, I'm asking you to help me get home after a surgical procedure which will leave me temporarily blind."
  • "When I get home, Giuseppe prepares me a mojito and rolls me a big cigar."

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