
finally: at last, in the end, eventually, after a long time adverb
They are finally gone, I thought they would never leave!
  • "Brian : Finally a bit of good news."
  • "Reverend : Now, Edward Moon and Jean Marron are going to sing a song to Philip before he finally departs."
  • "Ms. Lohan already sits on our board of trustees, however she is considering investing a large amount of capital in the company, which would allow us to finally purchase the island zoo that everyone keeps asking about."
  • "Narrator: And finally we move to the office of CEO Bruno Delavigne, where Special Assistant Brian Jones has been replaced by a camel."
  • "You're finally awake!"
  • "Brian : Finally, some business!"
  • "Voiceover : Finally, there's a talking shark at the beach, and he looks hungry!"
  • "Finally, Mr. Brian Jones."
  • "Finally, I know which question to ask the tree!"
  • "Marlene : Finally, someone who understands my humour."

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