
few (of them survived): not many, a small number (of them survived) pronoun
There are so few options! I only have a few things to choose from!
(there are) fewer (trains on Sundays): (there are) not as many, a reduced number of (trains on Sundays) adjective
a few (ideas, months): some, one or two, several (ideas, months) adjective

UK: Few people know this, but I prefer penguins to people.
US: Can I have a few fries with my steak please?
  • "With just a few minor tweaks and several hundred billable hours, we are fairly certain that the Delavigne Corporation can restore its reputation at least for a few months - that's the Slick Brand Solutions guarantee*."
  • "Happy holidays to all and thank you American capitalism for the opportunity to work straight through the festive season with so few days off."
  • "Sheeba and I have a few phone calls to make."
  • "A clue I give, to you grateful few"
  • "-I wouldn't expect more than a few sprinkles."
  • "Bruno : We have time for a few questions."
  • "Fortunately, however, a few fragments were spared, and I have put them in the bucket next to this letter."
  • "So, please come to my petite dégustation in the break room at 1pm to celebrate me, French gastronomy and my final few months before I am possibly deported."
  • "I've got a few questions."
  • "I'll meet you in your office in a few hours."

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