
a fee: a cost, a charge, a commission, a price noun
How much is the membership fee for your gym? Is it expensive?
the registration fees the cost of subscription

UK: My university tuition fees have left me in severe debt.
US: You can join the gym for a very small membership fee.
  • "As a gesture of goodwill, and to show you how much I appreciate your business, I have waived the fee for the initial 2 minute and 30 second phone call with Mr Quincy."
  • "Writer's fee (maximum): 30,000 dollars (half to be paid upon commission, the other half upon completion)."
  • "The fee for the spa is non-refundable."
  • "Bruno : Icarus has brought it to my attention that we're paying a great deal of extra fees to your bank Sam, and I'm afraid most of it is going to your porcelain door handles and your Château Margaux."
  • "They have agreed to waive the supplementary fees on all of your future transactions, and reimburse you retroactively for all charges incurred over the last 12 months."
  • "Fred Farmer : Well, as you're a high-profile psychologist, the device is yours for free, along with a generous testing fee, say $10,000?"
  • "let's stick it in (a) savings account without any fees!"
  • "Here is a brief summary of the supplementary charges we are currently paying to our bank Huckster and Hoodwink: wire and stock transaction fees, telephone consultation fees, online banking fees, and service charges on all of our accounts."
  • "We have branches all over the world, all these fees are necessary for us to provide outstanding service to our customers."
  • "The downside is that there is minimal or no interest on checking accounts, and there may be fees."

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