
to fax: to send a document by electronic means, to be printed on the recipient's fax machine verb
-Could you fax me (over) those figures right away? -I would, but there is paper stuck in the machine.
a fax machine a device that sends and receives printed pages or images over telephone lines
a fax: a document sent by a fax machine noun
  • "From what I understand about your company, I believe you might be interested in other production services beyond the glass bottles you outlined in your faxes."
  • "Kevin : I'm sure you received the faxes my secretary sent over last week."
  • "Please fax cover letter and resumé to"
  • "I also did a lot of stapling and faxing."
  • "I received your faxes."
  • "Fax: (402) 555-1212"
  • "I'm sick of the faxes and I'm sick of the taxes."
  • "I have faxed over some documents, which you should have received yesterday."
  • "Read my fax!"
  • "fax (415) 555-9696"

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