
extremely (difficult): very, highly, greatly (difficult) adverb
extreme (punishment): severe, radical, excessive (punishment) adjective
  • "In any case, destroying your computer sounds a bit extreme."
  • "Brian : Well, as you can see, this dog is extremely... lazy."
  • "In previous ad campaigns, Outback Cologne was marketed as an extremely masculine scent for the "outdoorsy", "rugged", "manly" type."
  • "Warning: Bruno can be extremely charming, please do not fall in love with him!"
  • "The San Francisco Ballet is an internationally-renowned troupe of extremely talented dancers, including fabulous ballerinas and principal dancers."
  • "Brian : Well, as you can see, this dog is extremely lazy."
  • "The day is reported as being "extremely unpopular" with workers and school children."
  • "When I started out, I was extremely career orientated."
  • "Instead, you're going to be taking part in some exciting, challenging, and extremely dangerous missions..."
  • "I am extremely popular in Germany."

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