extensive: vast, great; much, a lot of, many
We have done extensive research on this subject.
Horatio has extensive knowledge of flowers from South America.
Pronunciation examples
UK: Fred has extensive knowledge of computers and can even send emails.
US: The house has extensive gardens.
- "Extensive knowledge of cosmetics industry a must!"
- "You have extensive experience in the customer service field and you certainly seem qualified for this position."
- "Mr. Steele : I have extensive experience with all operating systems and software platform development."
- "After two intense months of interviews, innumerable resumés, and extensive background research, I'm confident that I've finally found the perfect hire for our new Customer Service department."
- "I am sure you are already familiar with our extensive line of skin care and beauty products, from our award-winning perfumes (Exotic Garden and others) to our environmentally safe and organically produced soaps ("Cucumber Melonade" is one of our most popular)."
- "Paola : Our university is known for its extensive research facilities."
- "Fiona : As the CFO of this corporation, I assume you have an extensive method for the retention of information: a filing system, a database..."
- "The 15-24 male demographic has been affected by rumors of breast growth by extensive exposure to unisex perfumes."
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