
to eliminate: to eradicate, to abolish, to exterminate, to get rid of verb
  • "But eventually, I found the error and eliminated it!"
  • "You are eliminated if"
  • "But here's the real problem. Eliminating half of the fishing industry would have a devastating effect on unemployment levels in Northern Scotland."
  • "Fashion insiders predict that within two years D&C will be outsourcing abroad for cheaper labour and materials, eliminating the biggest advantage that D&C had over its competitors."
  • "The first team to completely eliminate the opposing team wins that round;"
  • "you eliminate the sound of crackling by wiping the dust from the record and needle with a cloth."
  • "You eliminate the competition for our perfumes, and I have a hundred screaming partners to worry about."
  • "How do I eliminate the sound of crackling?"

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