
elderly: aged, older, senior, elder, of an advanced age adjective
You should respect the elderly, as they are older and wiser than us.
elderly people: old people, retired people, elders (polite) idiom
  • "Felt faint with hunger until the elderly French woman in the aisle seat next to me offered me a bite of her sardine sandwich."
  • "My elderly mother slipped in a puddle of apple juice in the local supermarket yesterday and has injured her hip."
  • "Click on the link below and stay tuned to hear the success story of elderly fall victim, Thelma Fudd."
  • "I assume the government doesn't give the elderly a very generous pension, right?"
  • "I believe one elderly man sprained his ankle, and a child lost her doll, but both of these incidents were unrelated to the crash itself."
  • "We can assure you that Delavigne never uses aldehydes in its perfumes, because of their negative effects on elderly people such as yourself."
  • "Elderly people are at risk from dehydration and the worst thing is, people won't even be able to wash their cars!"
  • "We can assure you that Delavigne never uses aldehydes in its perfumes, because of their adverse effects on elderly people such as yourself."
  • "I am unable to take this holiday because my elderly mother fell down the stairs and broke her hip."

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