
to drink: to consume, to swallow a liquid verb

This is an irregular verb:
I drink / I drank / I have drunk
a drink: a beverage, a liquid, an alcohol (water, wine, orange juice, etc.) noun
to have a drink to drink something
a soft drink a drink without alcohol
Do you fancy a drink? Do you want to go to a bar or pub with me?
drunk (or drunken): intoxicated, under the influence of alcohol, not sober adjective
Generally, the adjective drunk is used after a verb while drunken is used in front of a noun, though this is flexible:
A drunken woman asked me where she lived before vomiting in my pocket.
The guests at the party were all drunk.
He was so drunk driving home that he forgot to turn his engine on.
  • "Warbuckle : I've never seen a horse drink so much before."
  • "I drank too much champagne at the party."
  • "They drink lots of beer, they love barbecues, and they have many beautiful animals."
  • "Warbuckle : Y'all been drinking for hours!"
  • "Enjoy your drinks and I'll be back soon with your meals."
  • "I guess we should drink more milkshake."
  • "Philip & Warbuckle : "I drank too much champagne at the party!"
  • "You two aren't going to drink all night again, are ya?"
  • "Could I get you something to drink?"
  • "Oh, I've forgotten to ask... would you like something to drink?"

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