
to distribute (information): to give out, to dispense, to circulate (information) verb
  • "Philip : Actually, I'm the Director of Sales for the entire corporation, which distributes perfumes, cosmetics and beauty products worldwide."
  • "Nigel Pilkington : Mr. Delavigne, I would like the right to distribute your perfumes in my stores."
  • "Indigo Motel is selling shares on their website, and I just bought a ton of them. As soon as they raise $150,000 they'll use that money to record, promote and distribute their first album. As a shareholder, I will receive a cut of all sales and licensing."
  • "Brian : Well, next I usually distribute my famous homemade biscuits."
  • "Anyway, I'll go ahead and make the arrangements, and Warbuckle's will have the exclusive rights to distribute this boxed set."
  • "Susie : Obviously if our competitors were able to duplicate our perfumes, they would be able to distribute them cheaply and in great volume."
  • "The bank managers and myself want to distribute this money to an orphanage or invest it with a business upon your advice."

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