
devastating: causing great damage or destruction; shocking, upsetting, overwhelming adjective
to devastate: to destroy, to demolish, to cause damage; to cause shock verb
  • "Moira : Here's a quick look at some of the stories we'll be covering today: another devastating flood hits Bangladesh, the economic crisis in Argentina takes a turn for the worse, and an assassination attempt on the Danish Prime Minister has some hilarious consequences."
  • "By now, you've no doubt read the newspapers: devastating earthquakes, deadly floods, fatal epidemics, terrorist attacks, destructive hurricanes and death tolls in the thousands, and that's just on the front page!"
  • "Hurricane Vanessa continues to wreak havoc all over the American Southeast, another suicide bombing on Mount Placid has caused panic in the Middle East, a new outbreak of avian flu is devastating the chicken industry in Ethiopia."
  • "No human casualties were reported, although it is believed that the goose was unable to survive its devastating injuries."
  • "But here's the real problem. Eliminating half of the fishing industry would have a devastating effect on unemployment levels in Northern Scotland."

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