
an (interior) designer: a decorator, a stylist; someone who makes clothes (Coco Chanel, Gianni Versace, etc.) noun
designer (clothes): (clothing) made by an expensive label (Prada, YSL, Donna Karan, etc.) adjective
  • "Fall 1: I smashed my designer sunglasses."
  • "Susie : The concept was developed by London's finest designers, to create the perfect shopping environment."
  • "M arrakech, Morocco- Revolutionary designer and innovator Pierre Luc Patrice passed away last week due to complications from cancer."
  • "As an emerging designer in 1950's France, Patrice took over the struggling fashion house of his mentor, Frederich Lundqvist, and restored it to respectability before launching his own fashion house with the financial backing of American investors."
  • "They go back to the UK laden with jeans, designer shoes, CDs and Epods."
  • "Susie, I want you to brief some graphic designers."
  • "They go back to the UK with suitcases full of jeans, designer shoes, CDs and Epods."
  • "Susie : Bruno, I've just received the first drafts of the Delavigne logo from the graphic designers!"
  • "After careful consideration, I have decided to invest my money in some designer clothes."

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