
to depart (or "to part"): to leave, to go, to withdraw, to exit verb
The train has already departed. I'm afraid it left about 5 minutes ago.
the departure: the leaving, the going, the exit, the retirement, the withdrawal noun
  • "Any unattended luggage in the departure lounge will be removed by the security services and sold on Free-bay."
  • "Loudspeaker : This is the last call for all passengers traveling on Greendog Lines Bus number 368A, the 10AM departure for San Francisco."
  • "Departure: October 1, 9:45 AM"
  • "Departure: 1st October 2006 09:45 AM"
  • "Let's get started, Bruno has parted."
  • "Departure: 5th October 2006 12:45 PM"
  • "Departure: October 5, 12:45 PM"
  • "Reverend : Now, Edward Moon and Jean Marron are going to sing a song to Philip before he finally departs."
  • "- You must check out by 8AM on your day of departure."

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