
to delete: to erase, to remove, to cancel verb
  • "Susie: Other messages like marriage proposals, wire transfers from Nigerian princes, and absolutely all mails from Philip Cheeter, I mark as SPAM or delete immediately."
  • "receiving email, deleting emails"
  • "delete emails with large attachments, or detach and delete the attachments"
  • "delete archived messages which are no longer necessary"
  • "I'd appreciate it if this could remain between the two of us, so please delete this email once you've read it."
  • "Enhance. Delete! Space bar!"
  • "We have done our best to reduce the size of our own email accounts by deleting emails older than 90 days, as well as emails with large attachments or animal photos."
  • "It's over because ( delete as necessary ): I have a wife / I have a sexually transmitted disease / I need space / You're becoming fat / I'm becoming a priest."

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