
to defend (oneself): to protect, to guard, to cover (oneself); to justify, to stand up for (oneself) verb
a defense (US), a defence (UK): a justification, an argument, an explanation; a protection, a cover, a guard noun
  • "Luna : I don't think defense is an option here."
  • "Philip : To defend America from her underwater enemies!"
  • "It was never my intention to put you in a position where you had to choose between defending one of your employees and cutting your ties with our company."
  • "Why Ray, that's the headquarters of the United States Department of Defense!"
  • "I didn't have no time to defend myself."
  • "And while we all enjoy his company, I doubt that he could defend a pile of cow dung from a team of flies."
  • "It looks like Garbajosa has broken free of the defense and is streaking down the field, yes, he has a free shot and... GOAL, GOAL, GOAL, MEXICO!"
  • "There comes a time in every man's life when he has to defend himself in a fight to the death."
  • "Judge : Well, personally I found that argument quite convincing, but, I suppose that legally, you're entitled to defend yourself, Mr. Delavigne."

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