
to declare: to say, to express, to state, to announce verb
We have just declared war on Texas. The announcement was made half an hour ago.
Nothing to declare (at customs) I have brought no dutiable goods (alcohol, cigarettes, etc.) into the country.
  • "A 12-hour ceasefire is declared in the Middle East;"
  • "Bruno : Alright, since there are no other questions, I declare this meeting finished."
  • "Dogs , which were declared the "World's Favourite Pet" after a recent survey."
  • "Anything to declare, Bruno?"
  • "Bruno : I declare that I'm hungry."
  • "I, Hector Melvin Jones, declare this to be my last will and testament."
  • "Sir Robert Bear MP, Shadow Secretary for the Environment, shocked Parliament yesterday by declaring that "the notion that climate change is a man-made phenomenon is pure poppycock"."

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