
data: figures, information, statistics noun
a data base a collection of data, a store of information
  • "Susie : Well, we've received a report from a market research company with some interesting data on the men's fragrance market."
  • "Scientists initially thought that the result was an anomaly, and feared their data was tainted, however repeated testing confirmed that the data was in fact valid."
  • "Most of the company's, uhh, financial data and numbers are retained by simple mnemonic techniques."
  • "Jean and I have managed to recover all of our data and transfer it to our new servers, so theoretically you should have received all emails which were sent to you while our server was offline."
  • "To join MyFace, please complete the registration data by filling in all the fields found below."
  • "I've examined the market research for TigerLily and the data is conclusive: working-class men are the ones buying our perfume, therefore, they are the market segment we should target with our advertising."
  • "I'd like to examine the data myself."

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