
a combination: a mixture, an amalgamation, a blend, a concoction noun
in combination with combined with, mixed with
to combine: to mix, to blend, to amalgamate, to put together with verb
  • "Icarus : I used to think the same thing until I learned that, sometimes, the combined knowledge of lots of people is better than the knowledge of a few experts."
  • "Combining exotic Amazonian fruits with the gentle touch of aloe, TigerLily possesses a light, feminine, and fruity scent sure to please women of the most discerning tastes."
  • "Instead, I intend to ruin the reputation of a good man through a combination of rumors, internet research and wild speculation*."
  • "The Delavigne Corporation, the San Francisco-based perfume manufacturer, announced the completion of the Delavigne Gallery last week, an ambitious new project in New York that combines art, perfume and architecture."
  • "The lessons are sent daily to each user, and they include a combination of texts, audios, grammar exercises and vocabulary."
  • "It seems our guided meditations combined with severe electroshock therapy have been truly beneficial for you."
  • "It is guaranteed to prevent crime (as long as it's used in combination with several other methods, which I am also researching)."
  • "Combining the rugged freedom of the Australian plains with the quiet sensibility of the man-about-town, Outback has a musky odor with just a hint of eucalyptus."
  • "It's that kind of combination of warmth and strength that sends tingles down my spine."
  • "Luna DeLune: Ms. DeLune is apparently training to be a part time circus-yoga instructor (a combination of yoga, clowning, and partner acrobatics), and begins her first course early Friday evening."

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