
(My fish has lung) cancer: (My fish has lung) disease, an invasive and often fatal growth of harmful cells in (the lungs) noun
(-What is your astrological sign?) -Cancer: (-What is your astrological sign?) -The fourth sign of the zodiac, relating to the period from 22 June to 22 July and represented by a crab noun
  • "Doctors believe that drinking red wine in moderation prevents cancer, heart disease and other ailments."
  • "M arrakech, Morocco- Revolutionary designer and innovator Pierre Luc Patrice passed away last week due to complications from cancer."
  • "Australians now have the highest rate of skin cancer in the world!"
  • "But there's one major problem. Australians are now very worried about contracting skin cancer."
  • "Right, because I don't have the ability to cause cancer do I?"
  • "Quickarus Cancer."
  • "Cancer! The most popular constellation in the zodiac, according to a new study by astronomers."

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