
beloved: loved very much, dear nounadjective
Note that the word "beloved" can be pronounced with either three syllables ("be-lov-ed") or two ("be-loved").
Beloved husband, devoted father, excellent surfer... He will be missed. We all loved him very much.
Eric was an excellent teacher beloved by all those he taught over the years. All the children liked him.

UK: Beloved husband, devoted father, excellent surfer. He will be missed.
US: This book is beloved by children everywhere.
  • "His shop has been left to his beloved grandson, Bruno, who shares Xavier's passion for perfumes."
  • "Yes, I demand recompense for the senseless slaughter of my beloved pet."
  • "Our beloved director of sales, and ex-president of Cheeterland, Philip Cheeter, recently completed a unique weekend seminar as part of Delavigne Corp's training program. Here's a excerpt from a recent email exchange between the two of us"
  • "Your beloved Ivana BümBüm has been photographed taking cocaine!"
  • "Yes, I demand recompense for the slaughter of my beloved companion, who served me so well over the years."
  • "Convinced that his beloved pet goldfish "Bubbles", a prize won at a local carnival, is in mortal peril, Thomas has quarantined Bubbles to a 6 by 6 by 6 inch glass bowl until a vaccine is discovered or doctors clear the fish for transport."
  • "Gymglish user, my beloved, I love you now, always and forever."

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