
around: about, approximately, roughly, near to; on all sides of, surrounding preposition
There are around 800,000 people living in this city. We're not sure of the exact figure.
I'll be back around 2 p.m, although it may be a bit later depending on the traffic.
The neighbor's cat likes to walk around our house.
Is he around?: Is he here, available, close by? adverb
(Is there a post office) around (here) ?: (Is there a post office) close to, near to (here)? adverb
I traveled around Europe. I started in Portugal and went all the way to Poland.
There are frogs all around us. We are surrounded by them!
You'll find a stapler somewhere around there.

UK: Hello, is Simon around?
US: No, Simon is traveling around the world. He should be back around May.
  • "Scientists estimate that the web's carbon footprint (the CO2 it produces) is growing at around 10% per year, which could be bad news for internet giants such as Moogle, Microtosh, and YouLube."
  • "Please drop by my office this morning around 9.30."
  • "Lots of police around."
  • "Traffic is a bleeding nightmare around Hammersmith, I'll take you through Shepherd's Bush."
  • "I won't be around for much longer."
  • "We have a North Island and a South Island, our population is around 4.3 million, and our capital city is Wellington."
  • "According to scientists, the aviation industry is responsible for around 3.5% of man-made climate change."
  • "I'm sitting in Mr. Warbuckle's golf cart, while he drives me around the ranch."
  • "If you can't come around, at least please telephone"
  • "Let's not forget that one web search produces around 0.2g of CO2, whereas boiling a kettle generates 15g."

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