
actually: in fact, in effect, in reality adverb
Note: actually does NOT mean currently.
Despite being slightly fat, he was actually very healthy.
It's a very sunny day in the mountains, but it's actually very cold.

UK: I actually prefer fruit to chocolate.
US: Although he imitates the British accent perfectly, he's actually an American.
  • "Actually just okay."
  • "Bruno : Actually it's a horse."
  • "Bruno : Actually, Tinkerbell has something else in mind for this evening - a little "action"... if you know what I mean."
  • "Mrs Smith: Err, you say “all over the world”, but actually you only know England?"
  • "Actually, it's snowing."
  • "That actually happened."
  • "Dr Meyer: Because it's actually your money that I lost."
  • "Todd : Actually no!"
  • "Todd : Actually Brian, I have come to Earth for a very special reason."
  • "Bruno : No, actually we haven't."

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