Frantastique online French lessons have been rated 4.6 / 5 by 92414 users.

  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/13 for the episode "À quoi sert l'amour ?"
  • 4/5 left a rating on 2024/07/13 for the episode "La sécurité avant tout"
  • 4/5 left a rating on 2024/07/13 for the episode "Poulet à la crapaudine"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/13 for the episode "Muriel Petite tombe en panne"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/13 for the episode "La barbe de Victor"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/13 for the episode "En panne d'inspiration"
  • 4/5 left a rating on 2024/07/13 for the episode "À la recherche de Bossu II"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/13 for the episode "Solange est une ordure"
  • 4/5 left a rating on 2024/07/12 for the episode "Je reviendrai à Montréal"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/12 for the episode "Victor se présente aux élections"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/12 for the episode "Poulet à la crapaudine"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/12 for the episode "Le supermarché"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/12 for the episode "Les 12 travaux de Gérard"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/12 for the episode "Bientôt les vacances"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/12 for the episode "Bons baisers de la buanderie"
  • 4/5 left a rating on 2024/07/12 for the episode "La partie de tennis"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/12 for the episode "Planète francophone"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/12 for the episode "Qui est Gérard Therrien ? "
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/12 for the episode "Avec ceci ?"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/12 for the episode "Un courriel au Père Noël"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/12 for the episode "Flagrant délit"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/12 for the episode "L'entretien d'évaluation"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/12 for the episode "Plus ou moins d'impôt ?"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/12 for the episode "Mère et fils : une histoire d'amour"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/12 for the episode "Une histoire de navette"
  • 4/5 left a rating on 2024/07/12 for the episode "Un tableau pour le patron"
  • 4/5 left a rating on 2024/07/12 for the episode "La sécurité avant tout"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/12 for the episode "Combien ça coûte ?"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/12 for the episode "Voyage à Bruxelles"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/12 for the episode "À la recherche de Bossu I"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/12 for the episode "Flagrant délit"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/12 for the episode "Avec ceci ?"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/12 for the episode "À la recherche de Bossu II"
  • 4/5 left a rating on 2024/07/12 for the episode "Aux grandes femmes, l'AIGF reconnaissante"
  • 4/5 left a rating on 2024/07/12 for the episode "Chacun son truc"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/12 for the episode "Fifi, l'histoire d'une vie"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/12 for the episode "C'est grave, docteur ? 35 heures dans la vie de Solange Petitperrin"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/12 for the episode "Plus de navette, plus de croquettes"
  • 4/5 left a rating on 2024/07/12 for the episode "Thierry n'y arrive pas"
  • 4/5 left a rating on 2024/07/12 for the episode "La journée des « non »"
  • 4/5 left a rating on 2024/07/12 for the episode "Thierry vs la banque : une sacrée opportunité"
  • 4/5 left a rating on 2024/07/12 for the episode "Les bisous"
  • 4/5 left a rating on 2024/07/12 for the episode "Coup sur coup : coup de mou"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/12 for the episode "La tour Eiffel"
  • 4/5 left a rating on 2024/07/12 for the episode "Un nouveau billet qui va faire des étincelles"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/12 for the episode "Les clés de la discorde"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/12 for the episode "L’AIGF TV présente : Les Français ne se lavent pas"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/12 for the episode "Un trajet tragique"
  • 4/5 left a rating on 2024/07/12 for the episode "Fan de Victor"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/12 for the episode "Un refus, ça ne se refuse pas"
  • 4/5 left a rating on 2024/07/12 for the episode "Tout le monde peut se tromper"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/12 for the episode "Les limites de la charité"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/12 for the episode "Qui cherche trouve"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/12 for the episode "C'est à quel sujet ?"
  • 4/5 left a rating on 2024/07/12 for the episode "La dette de Marcel Grand"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/12 for the episode "Fifi, l'histoire d'une vie"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/12 for the episode "Au pigeon doré : tout est sale ! "
  • 4/5 left a rating on 2024/07/12 for the episode "Charles Baudelaire"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/12 for the episode "Un nouveau billet qui va faire des étincelles"
  • 4/5 left a rating on 2024/07/12 for the episode "Victor Hugo, l'exilé"
  • 4/5 left a rating on 2024/07/12 for the episode "La dette de Marcel Grand"
  • 4/5 left a rating on 2024/07/12 for the episode "Les frais de Muriel Petite "
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/12 for the episode "Solange démissionne encore"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/12 for the episode "Flagrant délit"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/12 for the episode "AIGF présente : La mouche tache et le linge sale"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/12 for the episode "Les frais de Muriel Petite "
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/12 for the episode "La sécurité avant tout"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/12 for the episode "Le piston de Thierry Letrone"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/12 for the episode "Les Manèges à Troyes"
  • 4/5 left a rating on 2024/07/12 for the episode "La sécurité avant tout"
  • 4/5 left a rating on 2024/07/12 for the episode "La double vie de Bertrand Lefebvre"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/12 for the episode "Fausse dépêche : du nouveau dans la grammaire française"
  • 4/5 left a rating on 2024/07/12 for the episode "La maladie de Muriel"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/12 for the episode "Le tube du siècle"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/12 for the episode "Tu dois me dire « vous »"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/12 for the episode "Je reviendrai à Montréal"
  • 4/5 left a rating on 2024/07/12 for the episode "3615 La bise"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/12 for the episode "Bons baisers de la buanderie"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/12 for the episode "Bossu le stagiaire"
  • 4/5 left a rating on 2024/07/12 for the episode "Jamais sans ma fille"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/12 for the episode "Voyage à Bruxelles"
  • 4/5 left a rating on 2024/07/12 for the episode "À la recherche de Bossu II"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/12 for the episode "Les 400 marches "
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/12 for the episode "Thierry vs la banque : une sacrée opportunité"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/12 for the episode "Comment on fait les bébés ?"
  • 4/5 left a rating on 2024/07/12 for the episode "Au pigeon doré : tout est sale ! "
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/12 for the episode "Victor cherche un appartement"
  • 4/5 left a rating on 2024/07/12 for the episode "La lettre de motivation"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/12 for the episode "Une proposition qui ne se refuse pas"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/12 for the episode "Il fera beau demain"
  • 4/5 left a rating on 2024/07/12 for the episode "Planète francophone"
  • 4/5 left a rating on 2024/07/12 for the episode "Un moment historique"
  • 4/5 left a rating on 2024/07/12 for the episode "Sauvons « L'Ami papier »"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/12 for the episode "Spiritisme Téléphone"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/12 for the episode "À la recherche de Bossu II"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/12 for the episode "Victor Hugo, l'exilé"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/12 for the episode "Planète francophone"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/12 for the episode "Bertrand est de retour de vacances"
  • 4/5 left a rating on 2024/07/12 for the episode "Une histoire de navette"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/12 for the episode "Tout le monde peut se tromper"

Frantastique online French lessons have been rated 4.6 / 5 by 92414 users.