Faire une demande urgente de manière formelle ou informelle
Fais ci, fais ça...
Do this, do that...
Do this, do that...
... tout de suite, immédiatement.
right now, immediately.
right now, immediately.
Merci de faire ceci, de faire cela...
Please do this, please do that...
Please do this, please do that...
... au plus vite.
as soon as possible.
as soon as possible.
Je vous remercie de bien vouloir faire ceci et cela...
Thanks in advance for doing this and that...
Thanks in advance for doing this and that...
... rapidement.
Je vous serais reconnaissant de bien vouloir faire ceci et cela...
I would be grateful if you could do this and that...
I would be grateful if you could do this and that...
... dans les meilleurs délais.
promptly, in a timely manner.
promptly, in a timely manner.

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