Exclamations that use que
Que is often used to express an exclamation (of surprise, wonder or admiration). It goes at the start of the phrase:
Que c’est beau ! Look how beautiful it is!
Que Dieu vous bénisse ! God bless you!
Que Dieu vous bénisse ! God bless you!
We use que + a verb in the indicative to express what we think or believe. It can be replaced by je trouve que, je pense que, or je crois que.
Que tu as de grandes dents ! What big teeth you have!
Que cette nouvelle me fait plaisir ! How happy the news makes me!
Que cette nouvelle me fait plaisir ! How happy the news makes me!
We use que + a verb in the subjunctive to express what we want or wish for or to make a threat. It can be replaced by je souhaite que/je veux que.
Que tes rêves deviennent réalité ! I hope your dreams come true!
Que tu sois maudit ! Curse you!
Que tu sois maudit ! Curse you!

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