Tradução & Definição

to employ (a worker, a method): contratar (uma pessoa), empregar, utilizar (um método) verb
We just employed a new Marketing Director. Acabamos de contratar um novo diretor de marketing.
Delavigne employs 400 salespeople. A Delavigne emprega 400 vendedores.
How do you employ this expression? Como você utiliza esta expressão?
an employee: um empregado, um funcionário noun
an employer: um empregador, um patrão noun


  • "After years of research, I'm proud to introduce you all to my newest employee, THX-1134, the ultimate salesperson!"
  • "All the Delavigne employees have a stupid accent, mmkay?"
  • "And finally, to the author of the suggestion about the "cute little cashier", I suggest that you read pages 5 through 7 of your "Employee Code of Conduct" (see the section marked "Sexual Harassment")."
  • "Bruno : Some of our human employees are finding it hard to adapt to these changes, but they understand that our animal friends are welcome."
  • "Employee : French Onion Soap!"
  • "Employee : Spongetime in Paris!"
  • "You use the employee chatroom?"
  • "Gentlemen, did you think you could organize a secret prize fight between two senior Delavigne employees?"
  • "It seems that the new European president serves two masters: the people of the old continent as well as Delavigne, his employer for the past decade."
  • "Employee : Eiffel Shower gel!"

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