Traduction et définition

to postpone: remettre (à plus tard), repousser, reporter verb

UK: When I got pregnant, I had to postpone my wedding.
US: The meeting has been postponed until Tuesday.


  • "Bruno : Susie, you'll have to postpone your plans for the anti-exploitation ad campaign."
  • "If we could postpone the meeting until next week (when I'll be free all week long), I would really appreciate it."
  • "The big meeting with Dillon's Department Stores has been postponed until tomorrow."
  • "Due to an unexpected change in planning, the meeting on "security systems", originally scheduled for next Thursday, has been indefinitely postponed."
  • "Government officials hope to boost the stagnant economy by postponing the holiday until the 31st, and thereby benefiting from increased consumer activity up until the New Year."

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