Traduction et définition

(twice) per (day): (deux fois) par (jour) preposition
a slice per person une tranche par personne (par tête)


  • "In the last five years, the pound has risen 34 per cent against the dollar, including 10 per cent in the past 12 months."
  • "35 dollars per unit, doesn't that sound nice?"
  • "12 coffees brewed per second, 94 mails archived per minute, 6-10 chocolates fed to Bruno per hour."
  • "Very soon, millions of people will be singing "It hurts so bad" when they go to the bathroom. We will pay you 0.0000001 dollar per flush."
  • "The chef is a maniacal tyrant and requires that we wash our hands at least twice per day."
  • "31 dollars per unit!"
  • "The highest rates of weight gain per second were localized in the mid-west and the south (the so-called Fat Belt), however weight gain was steady from coast to coast, from California to New York."
  • "And did you know that this little girl was only allowed to watch 2 hours of TV per night?"
  • "I propose 30 dollars per unit."

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