
a (power) tool: an implement, a device, an instrument (for example a hammer, a screwdriver, a drill) used for home improvements noun
Have you seen my toolbox? I need my hammer.
  • "Perhaps you are a purist and limit yourself to downloading pornography and heavy metal music, however whether you are podcasting vegan recipes or ranting about Venezuelan foreign policy on a message board, it seems clear that the Web has become less of an occasional tool than a full-time distraction."
  • "Let me just get some tools."
  • "Edward : They can wave to a friend or hold power tools."
  • "Now we at Schwarzwald present the ultimate security tool: the SSSS5000!"
  • "Edward : Look at your hands, they're such useful tools."
  • "Bruno : Think of this as a tool that will assist you in your job."
  • "And bring me my speech-writing tools!"
  • "Outsourcing: Cost-Efficient Advantage or Unethical Tool of Exploitation?"
  • "No longer is the web "just" a research tool, a means to keep in touch via email or a source of easily-plagiarized material for lazy students."

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