The plural of compound nouns: special cases
une année-lumière → des années-lumière (lumière est complément d'année) a light year → light years (lumière functions as a complement of année)
une assurance-vie → des assurances-vie (vie est complément d'assurance) a life insurance policy → life insurance policies (vie functions as a complement of assurance)
une pause-café → des pauses-café (café est complément de pause) a coffee break → coffee breaks (café functions as a complement of pause)
• If the noun is countable, it is written in the plural.
un couvre-lit → des couvre-lits a bedspread → bedspreads
un essuie-glace → des essuie-glaces a windshield wiper → windshield wipers
un porte-malheur → des porte-malheur a thing that brings bad luck → things that bring bad luck (malheur (unhappiness) is an abstract noun)
un aide-mémoire → des aide-mémoire a reminder → reminders (you only have one memory)
un gratte-ciel → des gratte-ciel a skyscraper → skyscrapers (there is only one sky)
• New spelling rules now allow all nouns to be written with an -s. Hence, it is acceptable to write des pauses-cafés, des abat-jours, des porte-malheurs, des gratte-ciels, etc. However, these rules are not applied very often, and these spellings (with an -s) are relatively rare.
• While the plural form grand-mères (grandmothers) is traditionally written without an -s on grand, the form grands-mères is now also accepted.
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