
a hand: a part of the body at the end of the arm which has fingers and thumbs noun
to hand (over) (something) to (somebody): to pass, give (something) to (somebody) verb
  • "Washing your hands after visiting the men's room"
  • "Hands against the wall."
  • "General : Be quiet and put your hands where I can see them!"
  • "As her delicate hands served each dish, each more exquisite than the last, my mind started to wander and I began to imagine a future with Betty by my side, maybe even as my wife."
  • "Don't you dare move those hands!"
  • "He needs a comforting hand to stroke him."
  • "Bruno : Shake his hand Brian, he's a frigging robot!"
  • "Bob the Brit : Alright, let me see those hands in the air, tough guy!"
  • "Thank you, BrianBot, your metallic hands are surprisingly tender."
  • "Why don't you hold hands?"

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